Mareas. Trilogía. Estudio sobre el movimiento / Tides. Trilogy. Study about movement.
color, sound, 4.25 min
The trilogy Study about movement explores the tensions that occur between figures, forms and color when summed together in layers, in an almost chancy way. The work tries to capture the vital and invisible ...
Rental formats: Digital file $35.00, regular 8mm $35.00
The trilogy Study about movement explores the tensions that occur between figures, forms and color when summed together in layers, in an almost chancy way. The work tries to capture the vital and invisible forces, the pure movement, as the one present in a sensation. I chose two main tools to work with: the multiple exposure of layers in the same negative film and the use of primary colors.
Tides is the second part of the trilogy. Water never dies, always transforms itself, rebirths in rivers, bodies, oceans. Huge, kneads its potential energy in the permanence of movement.
River Bank and Post war man are the other two works that complete the Trilogy.
Other films by this artist in our catalogue
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