Vom Sterneschneutzen (Shooting Stars)
16mm, color, sound, 12 min
“Vom Sterneschneutzen” (Shooting Stars) triggers awareness about frequently-used visual moods.
Rental format: Digital file
Available for sale: 16mm, Digital file
Available for sale: 16mm, Digital file
“Vom Sterneschneutzen” (Shooting Stars) triggers awareness about frequently-used visual moods.
An absurd list of sequences, each dedicated to a mood, include found footage, grotesque double exposures, and clear referencing of physicality. Vom Sterneschneutzen begins in darkness with birdsong. Then follows bubbling and exuberant growth. Then a poem of the grandeur of the cinematic image. Then a transparent elf, who initially appears impalpable. Then a monologue describing the fascination for dead things. Then the tale of Eros shooting an arrow into his own behind, accompanied by hypnotic computer graphics. And then finally the thinker amongst the stars. And, following the titles, a shining person having difficulty swallowing – perhaps the meal was a bit too rich.
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New Year/New Work 2019
A four-day program of recent additions to our growing collection of experimental and avant-garde films
Four screenings in January 2019 that showcase the wide-ranging work of new and longstanding FMC members from around the world. Curated by Emily Apter, Ladya Cheryl, and Devon Narine-Singh.
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