
Naked Eye Cinema Queer Iconoclasts: Peter Cramer and Jack Waters

A retrospective of the films of Peter Cramer and Jack Waters.

Wednesday, December 5 @7PM

Ludlow House @139 Ludlow St.

RSVP required :

Naked Eye Cinema was instituted by Jack Waters and Leslie Lowe in 1985 as an extension of the film program at ABC No Rio. Peter and Jack ran No Rio from roughly 1983 - 1990 with the collective energy of the circle they rolled with infusing a new era of energy where cinema and performance propelled the foreshadowing of what is now known as "queer'. Cramer and Waters have been the guiding force behind Le Petit Versailles, the infamous Greenthumb community garden that bridges the experimental underground to the current generation of radical art-making.

NOCTURNES (1987,10 min.), Jack Waters & Leslie Lowe

BLACK & WHITE STUDY (1990, 6 min.), Peter Cramer

6 FEET (23 min.) Carl George

INTRODUCING MR. DIANA (27 min.), Peter Cramer & Jack Waters

THE FLOWER MARKET (1994,15 Min.), Peter Cramer & Jack Waters

SACRE COEUR (2001, 7:35 min.), Peter Cramer

NAKED BOYS CLEANING (world premiere! 6:37 min.) 

                                                                                 Organized by MM Serra