In Solidarity - Protest Films in a Time of Crisis
Submit your short films of protest and action in the streets. Submissions can be anywhere between 3-5 minutes. The deadline is October 1, 2020.

The Film-Makers’ Cooperative/New American Cinema Group is seeking submissions for a program of films and videos responding to the current political climate and health crisis. Inspired by the omnibus protest film For Life, Against the War, which was produced as part of the 1967 anti-war protest festival The Week of the Angry Arts, “In Solidarity” updates a concept first enacted by the Coop in 1967, when filmmakers joined together at the height of the Vietnam War, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Women’s Rights Movement to assert the political value of creative expression. As we look to these protests of the past, and consider their relation to the ongoing militarization of the police and contemporary protests against racial injustice, we are asking you to submit a 3-5 minute film that reflects your experience as a participant in change.
We invite you to join the Film-Makers’ Cooperative, an artist-run distribution center started in 1961 by such counter-culture radicals as Edward Bland, Shirley Clark, Jonas Mekas, Hillary Harris, Ken Jacobs, Barbara Rubin, and Stan VanDerBeek who joined together to protest the oppressive political climate of the ‘60s, which parallels what we are experiencing today in many ways.
There is no entry fee to submit to the festival.
Rules & Terms
Submissions can be anywhere between 3-5 minutes. The deadline is October 1, 2020. Limit 2 entries per person. All work that has already been placed in distribution is also being considered for the program. If you are interested in joining as a member, you can request our membership form by contacting our office at: or 212-267-5665.