Saint Flournoy Lobos-Logos And The Eastern Europe Fetus Taxing Japan Brides In West Coast Places ...
16mm, color, sound, 12 min
scans not available
Presaging details and intent of the Charles Manson's cult and actions was not meant to be one of this film's greater attributes. It was, however, filmed uncannily months before the facts were known. The ...
Rental format: 16mm
Presaging details and intent of the Charles Manson's cult and actions was not meant to be one of this film's greater attributes. It was, however, filmed uncannily months before the facts were known. The resemblance is oblique. The film: the mysticism of a "calling," a journey to be made, a vision in mid-desert to behold and oneness with it all. Filmed in Death Valley.
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From West and East: Canyon Cinema Meets the Coop
Eight films preserved and catalogued by both Canyon Cinema and the FMC, curated by Dominic Angerame and Kornelia Boczkowska
Join us at the Film-Makers' Cooperative on Friday, June 7th, 2024, at 7pm, for a special program of films preserved and cataloged by both Canyon Cinema and the Coop!