Sonic Intangible

Sonic Intangible

color and b/w, sound, 16 min
Three voices from the European electronic music scene explore the unseen shadow side of the sonic realm. Each part is accompanied by a dreamlike vignette shot in the cities they occupy.
Rental format: DVD NTSC $40
Available for sale: DVD NTSC $75



Three voices from the European electronic music scene explore the unseen shadow side of the sonic realm. Each part is accompanied by a dreamlike vignette shot in the cities they occupy.


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    New Year/New Work 2018

    A two-day program showcasing the wide-ranging work of both new and long-term FMC members

    These two screenings showcase the wide-ranging work of both new and long-term FMC members.


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    Discharge Working I

    Discharge Working I
    Johnny Welch

    super 8, 5 min
    Rental formats: Digital file, DVD NTSC
    • Body
    • Psychology / Mental Health
    • Hand-Processed