Reflecting Tintoretto
color, sound, 36 min
A fixed camera faces a window. At first the window reflects the studio in which the recording is taking place, but as the sun moves round it clears to reveal the garden which the studio overlooks. A slow ...
Rental format: DVD NTSC
A fixed camera faces a window. At first the window reflects the studio in which the recording is taking place, but as the sun moves round it clears to reveal the garden which the studio overlooks. A slow natural dissolve from interior to exterior during which nature reasserts itself (plus a nod to 'Rear Window' as we become aware of activity in the house opposite). Sound is a mix of the ambient: birdsong, planes flying over, noise from neighboring houses–and studio noises: radio, footsteps, water being boiled and tea being made, phone ringing (but not being answered).
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