XÉNITEIA/XENITEIA (How We Live Together)
Available for sale: Digital file $300
The fourth in the 4 film short film series entitled HOW WE LIVE TOGETHER created by multi disciplinary artist Anne K Senstad, with acclaimed actor Bill Sage and unique audio management by producer JG Thirlwell. The films are extractions from French philosopher Roland Barthes 1977 critical lecture series How To Live Together, on ideorrythmic living formats; contemplations on social and historic structures of monk societies and orders as a format for ideal of living and what that means, mirroring those isolated states, Bill Sage sets our critical world under transformation and upheaval in perspective. XÉNITEIA/XENITEIA unfolds notions of exile and displacement as being states of isolation, and contemplations on the departure from ones motherland. With Bill Sages thorough background in film, tv and stage - his intimate and exquisite monologue readings draw the listener into his inner world of philosophical contemplations, emotional and psychological observations, set onto a poetic tapestry of social documentation in New York during the pandemic and the artists archival footage, edited in the visual language of stream of thought. The short film series is a collaborative remote project between the artists during the pandemic of 2020-21 as a response to a world in crisis, transformation and regeneration. Bill Sage’s monologue reading has been remixed and enhanced by composer and producer JG Thirlwell for an ultimate listening experience.
Other films by this artist in our catalogue
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The Sugarcane Labyrinth
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UTOPIE/UTOPIA (How We Live Together)
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Anne SenstaddigitalRental format: Digital file