Turtle Dreams
Available for sale: Digital file
A film by Robert Withers and Meredith Monk, This fillm was originally produced as a silent film to accompany Meredith Monk's multi-media dance/theater work, TURTLE DREAMS (1981), and was recut and joined with a soundtrack for release in the current version. Conceived and with music by Meredith Monk; photographed, produced and directed by Robert Withers.
"An unusual, exploratory work that shifts genres with grace and a sense of humor, A turtle emerges from the primordial forest in an initially documentary-like idiom, then crosses a map of the world only to end up in a miniature Japanese monster film set. The musical and pictorial composition combine to create a strong symbolic moodscape. "Black Maria FIlm & Video Festival
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Animated Animalia
A program of animated films about animals
On Friday, February 9th, 2024, at 7pm, join us at the FMC Screening Room (475 Park Avenue South, 6th Floor) for a program of animated films about animals from the Coop's collection, curated by Chris Stoddard!