Film Print
16mm, color, silent, 40 min
"The possibility of contemplation offered by photographs is recouped and even radically undercut in FILM PRINT by the continually moving picture... When meaning does seem to emerge (it) is immediately ...
Rental format: 16mm
"The possibility of contemplation offered by photographs is recouped and even radically undercut in FILM PRINT by the continually moving picture... When meaning does seem to emerge (it) is immediately displaced by denial of the space... The suppression of meaning-production as a cinematic process is a structuring feature of the film... The repetitions, the radical refusal of semioticity (denial of the codes of dominant cinema but also the codicity of structural film itself) and the unfixed nature of the space articulated by the film, all serve to operate against the kind of closure associated with a defined and homogeneous film space." –Annette Kohn, "Perspectives on British Avant-Garde Film"
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Silent Partner
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4th Wall
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Coda I and Coda II
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not far at all
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