The Greeks Had a Word for It
16mm, color, sound, 7 min
scans not available
"A black humor movie, Hirsch is setting up bright-colored and sharp-edged barriers against death. Black-and-white alternating with color frames. Constant sitches from snips of beauty to chunks of pain. ...
Rental format: 16mm
"A black humor movie, Hirsch is setting up bright-colored and sharp-edged barriers against death. Black-and-white alternating with color frames. Constant sitches from snips of beauty to chunks of pain. The structure is a visual matrix with the actors' progress through time, space, and story being walled in by binding white film-pencils. The finest example pf Geometric Aestheticism I've seen outside WHAT'S NEW PUSSYCAT? This is the way movies are heading. A rock & roll for the eyes by Michael H., the shiniest sax in New American Cinema." –Elia Jakov Katz