The Last Resort

The Last Resort

Digital, Shot on Super 8 film, black and white, sound, 10.02 min
A GHOST STORY SET IN THE OLD WEST. In a lawless land, Colorado territory 1873, justice will prevail. Sometimes the spirit of a Bounty Killer never dies.
Rental format: Digital file $80
Available for sale: Digital file $250



A GHOST STORY SET IN THE OLD WEST. In a lawless land, Colorado territory 1873, justice will prevail. Sometimes the spirit of a Bounty Killer never dies.

An award winning film shot on film! A Super-8 spectacle! Entirely shot in beautiful Colorado! FILM RULES! GIDDY-UP!

Warehouse 9 Productions, Ltd.
presents "THE LAST RESORT"

Vincent Olan as Clem
R. Scott Croushore as Slim
Scott Stanley as Dice
Emma Olan as Anita and
Lorelle Mansfield as THE BOUNTY KILLER 

Produced by
Lance Lucero
Lorelle Mansfield

Written, Directed, Photographed,
and Edited by Lance Lucero