Misc. 2006-2008

sound, 30 min
scans not available
Compilation of videos from 2006-2008 including: "Graphic" "Videos With Mom (single channel version)" "Deviations From The Wheel" "Orbison" "Narrative One"
Rental format: DVD NTSC


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    Keratin Reserve

    Keratin Reserve
    Josh Solondz

    black and white, silent, 3 min
    Rental format: 16mm
    • Body
    • Cameraless / Handmade
    • Found Footage
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    Little Fountains

    Little Fountains
    Josh Solondz

    color, sound, 11 min
    Rental format: DVD NTSC
    • Environment / Nature
    • History
    • Landscape / Architecture
    • Literarature / Theater
    • Philosophical
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    Transciver Receiver Exchange Agreement

    Transciver Receiver Exchange Agreement
    Josh Solondz

    color, sound, 4 min
    Rental format: DVD NTSC
    • Psychology / Mental Health
    • Technology
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    Burning Star

    Burning Star
    Josh Solondz

    color, sound, 4 min
    Rental formats: Digi Beta NTSC, Beta SP NTSC
    • Body
    • Cameraless / Handmade
    • Dance
    • Ethnographic
    • Music
    • Personal / Diary / Journal
    • Psychology / Mental Health
    • Science / Medicine
    • Spiritual / Mystical
    • Structural
    • Technology
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    Prisoner's Cinema

    Prisoner's Cinema
    Josh Solondz

    black and white, sound, 11 min
    Rental format: Digi Beta NTSC
    • Body
    • Cameraless / Handmade
    • Dance
    • Ethnographic
    • Music
    • Personal / Diary / Journal
    • Psychology / Mental Health
    • Science / Medicine
    • Spiritual / Mystical
    • Structural
    • Technology