Fuddy Duddy
The right or 90-degree angle serves as a standard unit of order. Whether optimizing storage space, developing land or mapping the human body in ideal proportions, a grid serves as universal criteria. Squares stack into cubes; the pictorial surface is transformed into a relief in relation to a background of precise lines. In Siegfried A. Fruhauf ́s FUDDY DUDDY, something resembling a big bang is seen, with an energy resulting from the struggle between order and chaos. Everything we see takes place within a linear force field - whatever happens in the black and white images that arise from invisible sources of artistic creativity, whatever reveals its presence the instant it disappears. The lines themselves begin to flicker. It is as if they emerge from lidless eyes - were it only possible - yet they do not give way. The crucial grid underlying classical aesthetics of harmony and measurement begins to glow, but it does not go up in flames. Fruhauf pursues a grand art historical line with FUDDY DUDDY, while the title indicates something along the lines of a cute obsession with order. His experimental film emerges from a concern with the ever implicitly structured surface of painting. But then again, perhaps the inverse is true and nothing emerges. Instead we are simply dealing with a film through which Fruhauf has placed the screen under such an intense attack that normally invisible strut supports behind its surface begin to melt. This is a film of bending and rupture, in which the right angle carries off a magnificent Pyrrhic victory. (Bert Rebhandl)
Other films by this artist in our catalogue
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La Sortie Des Ourvriers De L'Usine
Siegfried A. Fruhaufblack and white, sound, 6 minRental format: 16mm - Read MoreExperimental
Mountain Trip (Hoehenrausch)
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Siegfried A. Fruhaufblack and white, sound, 1 minRental format: 35mm - Read MoreExperimental
Siegfried A. Fruhaufblack and white, sound, 9 minRental format: 16mm - Read MoreExperimental
Siegfried A. Fruhaufcolor, sound, 5 minRental format: 35mm - Read MoreExperimental
Mirror Mechanic
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Night Sweat
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Siegfried A. Fruhaufdigital, color, stereo, 7 minRental format: Digital file - Read MoreExperimental
Exterior Extended
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Still Dissolution
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Vintage Print
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Heavy Eyes Remastered
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Phantom Ride Phantom
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Water and Clearing
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Siegfried A. Fruhaufdigital, color, sound, 8 minRental format: Digital file - Read More
Dissolution Prologue (Extended Version)
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