Editing Reel (With Subtitles)
This is the training aid film I made up in order to help me convey a few basic principles of film editing to the military students I teach. It has been very effective aid to me in the classroom. The points made in it about editing are applicable to any type of film-making. It could be used to teach editing on any level, not only military. Here's what the film has in it: The difference between rushes and edited film - an example of rushes, a rough cut and a fine cut using the same footage. Jump cuts - how to make them and how to avoid them. Examples of avoiding jump cuts through cross-cutting and match-cutting. How to select subject matter within a camera-run. Tempo and pacing. How to pace a film by action within a shot. How to maintain an even tempo and pick up the pace; the effects of an uneven tempo; how to vary tempo. A warning not to over-edit. –D. L. H.