The Earth is a Satellite of the Moon

16mm, color, sound, 34 min
scans not available
"The film describes an eccentric trajectory across a field of signifying practises in an attempt to map out certain areas of a leftist imaginary: The Land, The Martyr, the (national ) Liberation. Patria ...


"The film describes an eccentric trajectory across a field of signifying practises in an attempt to map out certain areas of a leftist imaginary: The Land, The Martyr, the (national ) Liberation.
Patria Libre O Morir.
The two main characters (Michael Smith and Perry Hoberman) take on the name. "Robert Garwood" and begin to talk about a trip they took- or are about to take to Central America. Their constant discourse, both fragmented and fluid, is interrupted by two other voices: one Spanish and one English, as well as by a crawling text whose author alternates betweens the film-maker and the four characters. This voice-track-without-a-subject is paralleled by an image track dominated by a moving camera- a sliding camera- a camera that is always turning away" D.W.


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    House by the River, A: The Wrong Shape

    House by the River, A: The Wrong Shape
    Dan Walworth

    16mm, black and white, sound, 34 min
    Rental format: 16mm
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    The System

    The System
    Dan Walworth

    16mm, color, sound, 45 min
    Rental format: 16mm