A Model Family in a Model Home
16mm and Digital File, color and b/w, sound, 22 min
Fleeing from the Nazis, Bertolt Brecht arrived in Los Angeles in 1941. This film is inspired by notes for movie that he based on an article in Life Magazine called A Model Family in a Model Home. It explores ...
Rental format: Digital file $50
Available for sale: Digital file $200, DVD NTSC $200
Available for sale: Digital file $200, DVD NTSC $200
Fleeing from the Nazis, Bertolt Brecht arrived in Los Angeles in 1941. This film is
inspired by notes for movie that he based on an article in Life Magazine called A Model Family in a Model Home. It explores Brecht’s ideas about working people and the home as a stage upon which larger political and social forces are played out.
Other films by this artist in our catalogue
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