
color, sound, 2.5 min
scans not available
by Diago Amir & Silvana Camors
Rental format: Digital file $50.00


by Diago Amir & Silvana Camors

The short film, filmed in a single shot, finds Equisse while she’s going through the park. It is in the precise instant that she faces a bridge she had never perceived that she decides to change her path and cross it. After several frustrated attempts that put her back on the same spot, she will have to face the opponent force that bans her from going forward.


  • Other films by this artist in our catalogue

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    Sombras de papeles en la noche junto al sol / Paper shadows on the night by the sun

    Sombras de papeles en la noche junto al sol / Paper shadows on the night by the sun
    Diago Amir

    color, sound, 1 min
    Rental format: Digital file
    • Arts / Artists
    • Literarature / Theater
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    Binario / Binary

    Binario / Binary
    Diago Amir

    black and white, sound, 3 min
    Rental format: Digital file
    • Body
    • Spiritual / Mystical