The 10th Annual New Year/New Work Film Festival
- Read MoreAnimation
Too Late
Kinga Syrekdigital, color and b/w, sound, 15.34 minRental format: Digital file - Read More
Bamboo In The Water
Gao Weidigital, color, sound, 2.05 minRental format: Digital file - Read MoreDocumentaryExperimental
Memoires (Paris Vu Par)
Joe Wakemandigital, color, sound, 8.27 minRental format: Digital file - Read MoreExperimentalNarrative
Tiger Eats a Baby
Kalil Haddaddigital, color, sound, 23.02 minRental format: Digital file - Read More
Portrait Of Cowboy
KTdigital, black and white, sound, 3 minRental format: Digital file - Read More
Laurie Andersons Studio
Cody Simonsdigital, color, sound, 0.35 minRental format: Digital file - Read MoreExperimentalNarrative
Business Casual
Matt McKinzieDigital, color and b/w, sound, 8 minRental format: Digital file - Read MoreAnimationExperimental
Emilia Izquierdodigital, color, sound, 4.35 minRental format: Digital file - Read MoreExperimental
Time Crystals
Abinadi Mezadigital, color and b/w, sound, 5.45 minRental format: Digital file - Read MoreDocumentaryExperimental
Inferno, i saw you on my way to the garden
Priyanka Dasdigital, color, sound, 6.4 min - Read MoreExperimental
Lynne Sachsdigital and S8mm, color, sound, 8 minRental format: Digital file - Read MoreDocumentaryExperimental
Remembrance: A Portrait Study
Edward Owenssound, 6 minRental format: Digital file
Join us at the Film-Makers' Cooperative on Friday, February 10th and Saturday, February 11th, 2023, at 7pm, for a two-night program of recent additions to our growing collection of experimental and avant-garde films, submitted by new and longstanding members of the FMC/NACG!
Pizza and refreshments from Two Boots Pizza provided.
Too Late, Kinga Syrek
Bamboo in the Water, Wei Gao
Memories (Paris Vu Par), Joe Wakeman
Tiger Eats a Baby, Kalil Haddad
Rooftop Flicker, Pip Chodorov
A Portrait of Cowboy on Bolex, KT Burns
Laurie Anderson's Studio, Cody Simons
Business Casual, Matt McKinzie & Zach Cargie
Insomnia, Emilia Izquierdo
Three Pride Flags, Tom Bessoir
Time Crystals, Abinadi Meza
Inferno, i saw you on my way to the garden, Priyanka Das
Casual tribute to Marie Menken, Rrose Present
Swerve, Lynne Sachs
Reflective Meditation, Rosalind Schneider
Curly's Thanksgiving, Bill Morrison
Birth, Erica Schreiner
Ballet anemic, Siegfried A. Fruhauf
The Sugarcane Labyrinth, Anne Senstad
The Slow Light Between Absence and Belonging, Phil Weisman
Remembrance: A Portrait Study, Edward Owens (recently restored by the FMC!!)