From The Horse's Mouth (I Can Produce -Pronounce- Nuclear)
Commissioned by Maya Stendhal of Maya Stendhal Gallery, NYC, for the VITAL SIGNS 2005 exhibition. FROM THE HORSE'S MOUTH has a second title: (I CAN PRODUCE -PRONOUNCE- NUCLEAR) which is its generative motivating core, an unscripted moment during Laura Bush's delivery of an entirely scripted stand-up comedy routine at the 2005 White House Correspondent's Dinner in Washington D. C. in which through a freudian slip she substitutes 'produce' for 'pronounce'. The effect is staggering since it is her husband at the banquet table, smiling widely at her jokes, who has failed to produce WMD's stated as his reason for an invasion of Iraq. The images contort and writhe through visually gagging effects intensifying the already-sick toxicity and hypocracy which engulfs the room of 2,500 politicians, journalists, and media 'managers' who enjoy the manufactured wit and simultaneously implicate themselves in the crimes of her husband. –N. J.
Other films by this artist in our catalogue
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They All Interlock/Dishing/Sugartown
Nisi Jacobsvideo, color, sound, 42 minRental format: VHS NTSC - Read MoreDocumentary
To the People Over There
Nisi JacobsDVD, color, sound, 45 minRental format: DVD NTSC - Read MoreExperimental
word sand witch
Nisi JacobsDVD, color, sound, 13 minRental format: DVD NTSC - Read MoreExperimental
Nothing/Moving: A Multicellular Organigram
Nisi JacobsDVD, color, sound, 35 minRental format: DVD NTSC - Read MoreExperimental
Eternal Beach
Nisi Jacobsdigital, color, sound, 17 min