Pine Barrens
16mm, color, sound, 31 min
Concerned with evoking through a film a barren wilderness in south-central New Jersey. The camera is always in motion–tracking, pivoting, and walking through the landscape. Though they are never seen ...
Rental format: 16mm
Available for sale: VHS NTSC
Available for sale: VHS NTSC
Concerned with evoking through a film a barren wilderness in south-central New Jersey. The camera is always in motion–tracking, pivoting, and walking through the landscape. Though they are never seen in the film, the voices of the local people, the "Pineys," are heard relating their feelings about the land, their attitudes about city life, their myths of the area, etc. Their voices and the music of Bill Patton's Pine Barrens Trio add a psychological dimension to the landscape.
Other films by this artist in our catalogue
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Nancy Holt16mm, color, sound, 6 minRental formats: 16mm, VHS NTSC - Read MoreExperimental
Nancy HoltVHS, black and white, sound, 8 minRental format: VHS NTSC - Read MoreExperimental
Sun Tunnels
Nancy Holt16mm, color, sound, 26.5 minRental formats: 16mm, Digital file, DVD NTSC - Read MoreDocumentary
Art in the Public Eye the Making of Dark Star Park
Nancy HoltVHS, color, sound, 33 minRental format: VHS NTSC