Soul City
In Henry Jones' words, this film is intended to, "Visually counterpoint the music of a subculture." Punk rock group FLESHTONES perform the song "Soul City," as tiny black & white cut-out figures, (with hand-tinted flesh tones), against a flickering background of brilliant color. In SOUL CITY, Jones 'recycled' the same basic movements of his subjects by reconstructing totally new motions from the same severely limited amount of footage. This was done through alteration of perspective, and reversal of selected movements at varying intervals. The number of movements a subject can make, artificially created from a few basics, becomes almost limitless once an understanding of what motivates activity in that subject from the beginning is achieved." –from Bikini Girl Magazine, January, 1979)
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Music Videos from the Film-Makers' Cooperative
A program of music videos and music video-related work from the FMC, part of the series "Sonic Visions: Experiments in Cinema and Music," curated by Matt McKinzie
Join us on Wednesday, September 4th, 2024, at 7pm, for a dazzling smorgasbord of music videos (and music video-related works) from the Coop's vast collection, curated by Matt McKinzie, as part of our series SONIC VISIONS: EXPERIMENTS IN CINEMA AND MUSIC!